Acupuncture with Helen Thomas
Helen has practised Traditional Chinese Acupuncturist & Chinese Herbs in 1992. Both can be helpful to treat a variety of conditions/diseases, and is suitable for all ages including babies and children. Helen has a particular interest in treating male and female fertility issues, pregnancy, perimenopausal and menopausal issues,migraines. Some private Healthcare providers cover treatment- do check with your provider. Do contact her through the clinic website for more information or email
Contact details:
The Southdown Clinic, 136a Southdown Road, Harpenden, AL5 1PUThe content provided here is for general information only and Mum's Guide To Ltd does not endorse any of the listed information. It is your responsibility to check necessary registrations, qualifications, references and DBS where relevant. We cannot accept liability for any inaccurate information given to us by external organisations or individuals, or the verification of the listings or advertisements on the website.